Wednesday, 7 August 2013

A Little Ramble About A Thing Called - Accountability

Hey Guys,

WARNING: This is a impromptu Blog

Right now, I - like most people are sitting down after eating dinner.. .feeling rather tetraplegic from all the carbs we have just guzzled down Life is feeling GOOD right!

Since I'm feeling all lethargic, and I have my butt down on this chair with the sweet tune of the fan reeving - sucking air to cool this over worked mother board down (at least trying too). I've decided to slam out a blog about accountability :)... TA DA...

Before I start - This dude, John Saddington's Blog is a great source of knowledge for all 

Dreamers - Entrepreneurs and Visionarys'!
Guys, who want to be more that the regular Joe

Accountability - Such a powerful word, with such profound possible rewards and consequences stemming from this single word being laid upon a person. Its a privilege for you to hold such a title, Your boss, customers, friends, family members.. and even yourself, understand that if you are accountable you must make sure the "buck" stops with you.

Don't get scared - for alot of people within the work place, We are mostly Responsible

When you are accountable you are liable to account for you actions.
When you are responsible you are able to be trusted with tasks by others.

I could set the tone of this blog to bring up THAT person who was accountable that didn't fulfil their duty of accounting for their actions BUT, tonight, is not the night to cry about others - This blog is about YOU


I'll get this out the way, The buck stops with you. Don't worry your not the only one who is like a deer in headlights when you read that. I am human too, and have to battle the same things that you do.

I am accountable for how my life is turning out, just like yourselves. 

My situation has been 90% hard work and 10% right place right time.. and chuck and extra 10% for my wonderful partners support.

Everyday we all have to make decisions from the moment you wake up, you choose your attitude and what affects you - what to worry about, what to be happy about and how you shape your life (social, personal, work etc)

My point, Personal accountability is needed - when things aren't shaping up they way you want them to be

Accountability at least two

Something to help us all! Self discipline is hard, My suggestion Find a accountability buddy 

With personal trainers,hold their clients accountable for their diet and exercise when they are away from the trainers eye of sight. marvellous things happen under this partnership.

When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates.

That's it for my tetraplegic carbocided blog ;-) the idea... to make sure you realise You are accountable.. right now, and if your not Iron Mike.. get yourself a buddy to keep you valiant! 

Lessons learned;
Occasionally our mindsets slip - Solution: give your accountability buddy a call

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