Friday, 25 May 2012

They say good luck - you say don't give up!

Hey Guys

Another week and ALOT more Growth!

As you can see in the title this blog is for the people who need a change in thought

You see it up there it says “they say good luck - you say don’t give up!”  can you see what this means, this here is 2 different encouragement statements going on .
  • One person says “good luck” as if to say good on you but there is a air of doubt
  • The other person says “don’t give up” as if to pat you on your back and encourage you forward with your effort you are putting in.

I know I have meet a lot of people that have said “good luck”  to me over the years and I have heard it been said to a lot of other people I know also.
- Have you had “good luck” said to you, how did it make you feel?
I, myself have always had a “can do attitude” once I set my mind to a task its like laser focus – but I always wasted time on people with false negative, Until I learnt that being around people who have aspirations of their own and are support of others that aspire to their goal, helps you get ahead quicker! This is where I surrounded myself with people who say “don’t give up”

it is IMPORTANT to be with people that constantly encourage you! The people that are supportive and believe in you.

Are you around people that encourage you? If not why not?

Your friends, family, partner etc should all be supportive of you and your goals!

As Eric Thomas says - nothing is impossible, everything is Past possible – meaning that there is no way you Can’t DO IT, but you can go way beyond doing it. the odds are for you not against you!

The amount of growth that everybody that I am currently working with has been enormous, you know that feeling where everything just comes together, That’s not just a feeling at the moment its what is actually happening. We as a TEAM are together, working all for the same purpose! This is the point where all of use know what is required of ourselves, but also how it progresses the next member in the team.

Its amazing how a group of people from different backgrounds can come together and use their knowledge and skills to get to the same goal! Everyone at EyeGratify has skills, knowledge and passion that are all applicable in what we do.

Where are we now? Well we have grown in numbers! Yehp that’s right we have brought on some great people with great skills into the business! total of 6 people now – from a team of 3 to 6 I never thought this would have happened from initial concept idea!

“Good things happen to those who put effort in”

I cant wait to show you guys what we have been doing in the coming month/s!

Readers thanks:

A big thanks to all the readers from;
New Zealand
United States
United Kingdom

For stopping in at my blog, I hope I inspire you to take that first step at your dreams!!

Until next time ;-)


Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Constant Evolution

Hey Guys!

These last couple of weeks have been hectic!! But like I promised I’m getting in where I fit in! And today this blog and you - my readers, my followers are fitting in!

I don’t want to leave all of you hanging if you who are looking for the motivation to start their business, to start your passion and really make your dreams a reality!

These last couple of weeks have been busy both for the business and my life, We have been;
  • Meeting with investors
  • Registering our Company – EyeGratify Limited
  • Creating our MissionConnecting what YOU see!
  • Creating our company plan/layout
  • Building our Technology
  • Creating more Products
  • Building our website
  • And more and more

Also My partner and I have bought out first investment property! – dealing with this process, and negotiations all while doing the above, and committing my best work to my current job EVERY SINGLE DAY! Is what needs to be done for our dreams to become a reality, how do I fit this into a day! Well I get 7-8 hours sleep and work for 16 hours!

I am blessed to get to do this every single day with great people around me!

I can tell you that WE and EyeGratify are SO proud of what we are creating! So watch this space as we launch our company website and our product pages in the near future!

The work behind the scenes has been MASSIVE, Danny, Emma and I are constantly learning and improving our skills – Did you read that? WE ARE IMPROVING OUR SKILLS, not our weaknesses!

This is the KEY -  to many people always focus on the negatives, their weaknesses – now how can you take your life to the next level focusing on the negatives! YES that’s right! LOOK UP and LOOK AT YOUR SKILLS! Lets start perfect them!

Start looking at what you can do right now! Look at what you CAN do and start perfecting what is before you, you will get what you want in life.

If you want to be a;
  • Entrepreneur
  • CEO
  • Designer
  • Athlete
  • Or anything else in life

You must act as one each and everyday! If you want to be an Athlete you better behave like one, get your routine sorted, get your diet sorted, find a mentor/coach, get up first thing in the morning and be excited to go for your morning run or weight session! Put in 120% and each day you will become the athlete you dream of!

This goes for all the examples above and anything you can think of! RIGHT NOW in this current time we are blessed with the resources that we are able to call upon to help us get to where we want to be! No longer is it impossible to become a entrepreneur – in New Zealand is can cost as little as $260 to register your company! BUT you must commit yourself that is the best resource – commit yourself and with as little as a few dinners out with your friends you can be on your way to six figures!

It won’t happen over night but keep perfecting what you are doing each and everyday and you will BLOW UP – You CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT.

Now I get to work every day and I work as I want to become – I am a CEO in my mind! Not just talking the talk but walking the walk, and Im helping my work and myself! I’ll NEVER stop being this was as I am

So what do you need to do? you need to look at WHO YOU ARE, and Focus on YOUR STRENGTHS you are strong, you are smart and resourceful and you can get what you want out of your life just START NOW! 

As I promised, I WILL be fitting in more often! 

Until then, Be your creator :)